This is part of the continuing saga of how we listed our wines for sale on the Naked MarketPlace. To summarize the story so far, the MarketPlace allows us to pitch wines directly to the UK market as long as we drum up enough interest. Concretely, that means we have to sell 100 cases of wine for the pitch to be successful. We’ve currently sold 98 and the last bit is pretty exciting!
The way the MarketPlace is set up, we can offer the Proprietor’s Reserve at a very low price. This got all of our fans on the site very excited. They each immediately bought up a few cases at the new low price. But that only got us to about 40-50 cases. The sales dropped significantly after the first couple days once the usual suspects had made their purchase commitment.
And we can’t really complain or pretend to be surprised. The Reserve is one of the most expensive wines offered regularly through Naked Wines’ website. And even at the discounted price, it’s still in the double digits club. So even the most loyal fans can’t be expected to buy TOO many cases.
What that means is that clients have an incentive to recruit more buyers. They spread the message through social media or talk about it at their local wine clubs, etc. Because they have a lot to gain if I hit my 100 case minimum. And it’s worked! We’re up to 98 cases sold. And the site is buzzing.
Customers are literally counting down the cases sold.

This is definitely an example of how Naked Wines has turned consumers into wine advocates. Everybody feels like they benefit from this deal so they help spread the word. This is very exciting!
I just got an email from Rowan Gormley: “you’re on!“.
Residents of the United Kingdom can find mixed cases of Domaine O’Vineyards wine online at Naked Wines. The mixed case will be a perfect introduction the wide range of big, bold red wines we make. We try to balance that new world compulsion to make extracted, flavorful wines with an old world tendency toward seriousness and restraint. The result is O’Vineyards and I hope you’ll love it.
Only one way to find out. You have to order our wines online.

We work in the vines all year to make the very best wine possible. And it’s such a pleasure to find an importer like Naked who is willing to cut back their margins and offer a real deal for the first release across the UK.
But there are only a few hundred cases left! They just put it up this evening and people are already buying dozens of bottles at a time. So hopefully you read my blog frequetly enough to catch this deal. Otherwise, you might miss out.
The mixed case has 2 O’Syrah, 2 Trah Lah Lah, 1 Les Americains, and 1 Proprietor’s Reserve. But find out all the details by clicking the link at the top of this post!