Well it’s past midnight so I can start reminiscing about Cabernet Day. In part, that means sniffing empty bottles and thinking about opening more. But the part of me that’s still sober is neurotically over-analyzing the event, and maybe I can bring you some fun conclusions about Cabernet Day and the Languedoc.

If you know me, you know I’m a fan of the Languedoc so I was really happy to use Cabernet Day as an opportunity to communicate on some of the wonderful Cabernet made in this region. A lot of the time, we’re more known for our mass produced lowland Cab, which is a shame, because we have some stellar examples of Super Cabs.
I thought tonight would be a chance to get a few friends together to drink Cab and Internet-users would be able to tune in and see that folks in the Languedoc are drinking Cabernet and loving it.
I was overwhelmed by the support I got. My neighbors from Chateau Jouclary and Pennautier and Auzias and Rivals and la Cave de Cavanac. That’s a huge honor because these folks have been making wine longer than me. A couple of them were even crucial in forming the AOC Cabardes.

Anyway, it was really great to see them because it’s tough to get locals motivated sometimes. People often say “never a prophet in his own land” or something like that. I think it’s a biblical proverb. Anyway, I feel like sometimes my neighbors don’t want to accept that there is a huge opportunity on the Internet. Well tonight they proved me wrong by demonstrating an exemplary curiosity that can move this whole region forward.
Also, I think it should be noted somewhat humorously how far I missed the mark on planning this event. I set up a big TV with a feed of all the tweets about Cabernet Day. But this didn’t really mean anything to about 80% of the people who came because they had no idea what Twitter was. So we talked a fair amount about social networks and real time media. It made for fun conversations. I was blowing their minds.
But probably the biggest mind blowing experience for me was encountering a journalist who told me he remembered the pre-war owners of this vineyard. PRE WAR? Which war you ask? The War of ’39. He actually called it that. This VERY interesting man told me all sorts of things about my vineyard. It warrants its own post on a later date. I thought the guy was going to interview me because he was a journalist. But in fact, he knew so much about this property, I ended up interviewing him. It was really great learning some of the back story on this very interesting piece of land.
Anyway, I’m rambling. Because I’m tired. And drunk. But the point is that there were some great exchanges. I’m really happy with the wonderful night we had around some glasses of Cabernet. A big thanks to Rick Bakas for organizing this whole thing. A big thanks to everybody who came. And the biggest thanks to all those brave souls out there who honestly make the best Cabernet they can.
Tasting notes and more serious stuff including the video of our live party cam can be found at Love That Languedoc’s Cabernet Day article.
For now, good night, good night, sweet Cabernet!